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It's Personal: Trans Children Under Attack

Before some of you scoff and roll your eyes, hear me out. I've seen the nationwide attack on the humanity of the trans community. And for me, it's personal.  Why? Because with my little family of five, I know personally four families loving their trans children for who they are. They are afraid to tell their stories - for good reason. We need to hear their stories. However, it is not safe.  My words will not be perfect. But I'm going to try my best here.  For our friends that have trans children, you would never know any different at a birthday party. If you met and spoke to these precious humans, you would adore them just like any other child.  These friends didn't ask for this. They didn't ask for their child to be "different". I can relate to that. We have the children God created for us and they are ours to love and protect. These families struggled with what to do and how to cope. They spoke to their churches, therapists. They know the sta...

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