Heading to Chicago!

Tomorrow, I'm flying up to Chicago to attend the Web Content 2008 conference. This will be my first web conference, so I'm super excited to wear jeans and flip-flops, relax and learn some new things. And for you worriers, don't worry, I have a traveling companion. Mindy, one of my coworkers, is going with me.

Here's a link to the conference: http://www.webcontent2008.com/
And here's our swanky hotel: http://www.hotelsaxchicago.com/

If you have any dining or entertainment recommendations, holla at ya girl, because I know nothing about this grand city. And, everything I do is on the company tab, so I'm all about living it up! (All except my shopping excursion at H&M, sadly.)

I've been asked to post on the Capstrat blog while I'm there, so keep an eye out if you want to hear more about CMS's, project management, social media or marketing in the 2.0 world. The link is over to the right ----> in the list of links.

Bon voyage!


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