First Easter egg hunt = success
Saturday morning the weather held off for us. It was eery outside. So windy and gray. Definite foreshadowing of the terrible, terrible weather that hit in the afternoon.
But, that morning, Asher enjoyed his first Easter egg hunt at WRAL. And let me tell you, the kid loved himself some Easter Bunny. His eyes darted all over the garden checking him out wherever he was.
And when he came over to say hello, our son was all Yeah, you're cool Mr. Bunny. I guess you can take a photo with me. It was freaking adorable.
He gathered his eggs and organized them into and out of and into and out of his airplane basket. Sweet boy.
And then, we ventured through the gardens for a little adventuring. It was fun to take pics here with Ash, almost exactly two years after we were there for our engagement photos. Neat. Neat. Neat.
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