Joni is at home. Well, she's on my couch.

Belle is over at our house for the night. The hospital finally released her around 4 pm this afternoon. She's still in quite a bit of pain, still on her right side. She said it have moved a few inches to the side, but still in the same general area. The doctor wouldn't release her with pain medicine, so she's alternating Tylenol and Motrin every two hours. I don't think it's really helping all that much, considering she still felt the pain while on major IV pain meds.

Sadly, we didn't have a great experience at Rex. Turns out Joni was on the surgery floor since they had a surgeon come consult with her in the ER. There were only a handful of patients on her floor and we hardly ever even saw a nurse. The doctor that checked in on her each morning was a surgeon, which hardly seemed appropriate considering she wasn't having surgery. And the nurses, most of them had this air about them like they were accusing her of making it all up for narcotics. It was weird. Just a crappy vibe. So, she left with no more information than she had coming in. And still in pain. And with my exhausted parents.

First thing Monday, Joni is going to call her doctor back home and see what she recommends as a next step. Until then, she's camped out on my couch and I'm cooking her yummyness.

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Have any suggestions? Either way, please keep her in your prayers. Many thanks.


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