Random baby necessity: Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

This is more of a pregnancy necessity than a baby necessity, but you get the gist.

When I was pregnant with Asher, I religiously put the Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm on my giant belly daily. I began to associate the light scent with the feeling of pregnancy. And I even had a few OB's compliment me on how lovely my belly skin was (yes, that's a little strange).

I've read that these belly balms don't really prevent stretch marks, that it's in your genetics. But, I do think that keeping your skin moisturized has to help in some way or another. If only to keep you comfortable.

So, this go around, I've had really, really dry skin. I was at Target the other day and did my swing by the Burt's Bees section to get some Belly Balm. I noticed it wasn't there. In its place was the new Mama Bee Belly Butter.

Verdict: Love it. Love it even more than the balm. I don't think the tub will last me as long as the balm did, but we shall see. It's incredibly moisturizing. Go out and get some ladies. And enjoy the softness.

Happy baby growing!


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