The Baby Dos Experience @ 20 weeks

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. My little man is under the weather and I do believe tonight is going to be a long night of ups and downs. Between my nonstop peeing and sinus infection and his snot and coughing and overall uncomfortableness, I will need a nap tomorrow (after the doctors visits ahead of us).

Anyways, so here we are! 20 weeks (and 2 days). I'm feeling great, actually! I was thrilled when I put on my skinny maternity jeans from the first and second trimesters the first time around and they were baggy. Like, wouldn't stay up and were really annoying, baggy. Woop woop!

I heard the doctor say words on Friday that I have never heard before at an OB appointment: Well, you didn't really gain any weight since your last visit. Which is ok, because the baby is growing right on track. Holllleeerrrrrrr! Now, please know I'm not dieting (by any means) or worrying about my weight nonstop. But I was a little alarmed at how fast the weight came on the first trimester. So, I'm relieved that it seems to be leveling off some. Saves room for all that water weight at the end, right?

So yes, feeling good. Excited to meet the new little man in my life. Excited about the holidays and all that awesome stuff, too! There is something extra magical about being pregnant during Christmas.

Ok. Goodnight, ya'll. Off to care for the sick.


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