My two little turkeys

Cuz, you know. Now's just as good a time as any to post Thanksgiving photos.

Right? Right.

Here it is: Thanksgiving 2012 in photos.

Elias high atop the table at Seymour Johnson AFB Mess Hall.

Look at that look of adoration!

Sweet Kaytan let Asher walk her around and around the dining room.

And talk her ear off.

Richie, Rusty and the G-units.

Kroboth Family photo.

Stopping to see the airplanes.

Grammy and Granpop overseeing.

Daddy's finger. I melt.

Tedd-E was at my parents house to greet us.

We headed out back for a mini photo sesh.

As you can see, it's going really well.

Hmm, this isn't getting any better.

Elias is thinking: Dude. Come on. Get a grip.

Might as well join him I say. Elias is embarrased about his brother's behavior.

Score 1 for the cooperative baby on my left.

E and his NiNi.

This little man checking out Peoples' International Airport.

You won't hold still for a photo? Fine.
Why don't you put leaves on your brother's head? That would be SO FUN.

Sweet babe.

Those little fingers.

Ta da! A great family-packed Thanksgiving. It's even better when you read about it in February, right? :)

The end.


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